Mathnasium Learning Centers Franchise Expands Rapidly to Meet the Need for Supplemental Math Instruction

John Bianchette, Vice President of Education and Training with Mathnasium Learning Centers, has over 20 years of experience in math education. Through his roles as a classroom teacher, a mathematician and as a member of the Mathnasium corporate team, Bianchette understands the importance and impact of math education and knows all too well that achievement in the subject has not been as high as it should be in the past few years.

“There have always been issues with math education; the pandemic further exacerbated the problem with math achievement,” said Bianchette. “I don’t think that’s the sole cause, however.  Kids are disconnected from math and the importance of the subject and how it applies to them in the real world. It’s up to educators to try to help make those connections.”

These lower achievement levels in recent years have led many parents to seek tutoring services outside of schools. The increase in demand for tutoring services has caused the global private tutoring market to skyrocket, with estimates that the market will reach $279.3 billion by 2027.

1851 Franchise spoke with Bianchette about how Mathnasium, the math-only tutoring franchise, is meeting the rise in demand for improved math education, providing students with the confidence they need in their future endeavors and how a positive experience with mathematical instruction can set students up for success.

An Increase in Demand for Supplemental Math Education

While educators in traditional classrooms are often doing all that they can to meet every student’s needs, the large class sizes and varied ability levels make this very challenging. Bianchette understands this, as he was once a classroom teacher.

“Our brand promise is to meet every student exactly where they are, and that’s something that’s very challenging from a classroom teacher’s perspective. I know that from my own experience,” he said. “When I was teaching 150 kids a day, my ability as an educator to meet every one of those kids exactly where they were and give them what they needed was limited.”

Supplemental instruction, like that offered by Mathnasium, can give students a more individualized learning experience. All kids, for example, start their Mathnasium program with an assessment.

“Regardless of their background, with some kids coming in at their own grade level and some kids coming in multiple years behind, Mathnasium starts every child with an assessment to meet them exactly where they are,” said Bianchette. “That is very challenging for a classroom teacher to do.”

With supplemental math instruction increasing in demand, the franchise has seen rapid growth across America, as well as internationally. With over 1,100 locations already in operation, the brand is still seeking franchisees with a passion for education to expand into new communities.

The Importance of Mathematics 

Beyond assessing learners and meeting them at their current level, Mathnasium aims to help its students understand that math is meaningful, which involves connecting their learning to the real world.

“Our materials are built with natural language, as we are trying to get students to understand math contextually in the way that they experience it in the world around them,” explained Bianchette.

Bianchette also feels that “mathematical thinking is empowering” and that when one is confident in math, this confidence carries through to other aspects of their life. He believes that good mathematicians also make great problem solvers and have more perseverance.

Preparing for the Future

Beyond helping students build confidence and problem solving skills, Mathnasium understands that math will always be a core subject in the academic world, and one that colleges will assess in both admissions decisions and class placements.

Beyond college, more and more careers are requiring a secure mathematical foundation.

“The world needs STEM majors, and as the world continues to evolve, so many careers will be rooted in mathematics,” said Bianchette. “AI and technology are all rooted in computer science and computer science goes hand in hand with being a mathematician. Mathematical thinking and the logical thinking that comes as a result serves people really well in those fields.”

Establishing a Lifelong Love of Learning

Mathnasium isn’t just about math education. The brand is also passionate about helping students feel connected to learning and repairing their relationship with education.

“I think sometimes people fail to recognize that evaluations also analyze kids and how they’re feeling and their connection to school, and according to the results, a lot of students right now don’t feel connected to school and they struggle,” said Bianchette. “It’s such a big part of Mathnasium to get kids to feel good about coming in. We are a pillar in the community and a place where kids feel happy and a sense of belonging.”

For more information or to find out the costs of buying this franchise, please visit


Source: Inman, E. (2024, January 10). Mathnasium Learning Centers Franchise Expands Rapidly to Meet the Need for Supplemental Math Instruction. Mathnasium Learning Centers franchise expands rapidly to meet the need for supplemental math instruction.
