Cost of Entry & Ownership

Owning a Mathnasium Franchise is More Affordable Than You Think  

Start a Business for Less Than $150,000

While estimates vary by where you live, the total cost to open a Mathnasium center can be as low as just $112,936 in The United States and CAD$147,222 in Canada. This includes the franchise fee setting up a center, marketing campaigns, months of working capital, and other one-time expenses.

Financing Opportunities

Discover everything you need to know about financing your Mathnasium franchise:

Access to Financing 

While Mathnasium doesn’t offer direct financing, we do have relationships with third-party lenders who can help you secure the funds necessary to open your new business.

Center Manager Discounts 

We believe our Mathnasium center managers make exceptional franchisees and offer a discount on the franchise fee to qualified candidates.

Worried about affordability?

Learn more about our incentives specifically for educators or how we can guide you to the financing options at your disposal.

What Makes Our Business Model So Effective?

Mathnasium’s business model is designed to be turnkey and straightforward with low ongoing costs. Our centers require a small footprint of about 1,200 square feet, which means our franchisees can secure affordable lease agreements in high-end strip centers.

Operating a Mathnasium requires only a small number of instructors to help your students, which keeps labor costs down, and because Mathnasium provides training for your instructors, as well as a proven curriculum, you can be assured that your students are in great hands.

Overview of Costs & Fees

The costs & fees associated with owning a Mathnasium franchise include:

  • Variable Expenses: Variable expenses cover instructor payroll, office supplies, furniture, professional fees, and other variable costs.
  • Fixed Expenses: Fixed expenses include rent, utilities, and other fixed costs.
  • Royalties & Marketing Fees: Royalties are 10% of monthly gross revenue, plus $650, and marketing fees are 2% of monthly gross revenue, plus $250.